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AUDAX Bulgaria

Bulgarian AUDAX Clubs Association

1200k of Sofia-Varna-Sofia is back again in June 2004!

( Visit our new website: for latest info! )


organized by
Cycling Club "Sinite Kamani"
Member of the Bulgarian Tourist Federation
Member of the Bulgarian Cycling Union
The 1200 km (750-miles) of challenging day and night cycling on country roads of Bulgaria will take part in June 17-20


Comments of some of the SVS'2002 participants:

> I have many very good recollections of the dramatic scenery and weather, together with the many fantastic people I met en-route. We were all agreed at the end that the route was certainly tough but it would seem a shame to have missed any part of it and I hope you will keep it largely unaltered in future years. /Daniel Fisher/

> There was lot's of discussion about the toughness of thus ride, but everybody agreed that it's harder as LEL, PBP and BMB. Riders remained unsure whether SVS is harder as the Crackpot or not. /Ivo Miesen/

> What a great ride - we're all still talking about it. Don't change it too much to make it easier! /Simon Kolka/

> I am still thinking about Bulgaria! My visit has left a lasting impression of the people, the countryside and the culture not to mention the roads! Your team of helpers were magnificent /Mike Henderson/

> Accumulated climb calculated by John Barkman's altimeter has shown the value of 11900 m

- The general guidelines for events of 1200 km or more remains the rules for Brevet de Randonneurs Mondiaux (RM*) promulgated by Audax Club Parisien (ACP*).
- SVS must be completed in 90 hours. The 90 hours rule is applied with the opening and closing time of control points based on the formula developed by the ACP and used for the Paris-Brest-Paris.
- Each rider must check in and check out of every checkpoint and get his/her SVS Passport signed by SVS Staff. Failure to have a staff signature from each checkpoint along the SVS route will result in disqualification.
- Drafting is permitted.
- No follow vehicles are allowed.
- Support crews are permitted to support the rider at checkpoints only. (Leapfrog support.)
- Support vehicles must follow an alternate route. Support vehicles on the rider route will result in rider penalties. Multiple infractions of this rule result in rider disqualification.
- Riders may only accept mechanical assistance from the SVS Tech Support Staff on the SVS route. Riders may accept other support at checkpoints.
- Reflective vests are mandatory at night.
- Helmets are strongly recommended.
- Each rider must comply with lighting requirements and reflective material rules for riding at night during the event.
- Each rider must pass bike inspection. It will take place on Wednesday, June 16, in the Garden between Slavyanska Beseda and Serdika Hotels (behind the Parliament -see the map in the Start/Finish section of the site), in the center of Sofia, from 11:00 till 12:00. Failure to pass bike inspection will prevent the rider from participating in the event.
- Each bike must be functional and equipped with superior headlights and taillights. A dual headlight system is recommended, with several spare batteries, and a solid red taillight. Use of flashing taillight is not allowed.
- For lights requiring AA batteries or smaller, the rider must carry a spare set and display them at bike inspection. A spare bulb is required as well.
- Mudguards/fenders are optional.
- If a rider abandons, he/she is responsible to notify SVS staff by calling the 24-Hour Emergency Telephone number printed on the SVS Passport and Route Sheet.
- Riders who abandon are responsible to find their own transportation back to the start.
- No refunds for no shows.

*RM = Randonneurs Mondiaux

*ACP = Audax Club Parisien

Start time: 4:00 Thursday June 17th.

Accommodation: free bunks or blankets at each control point except Kazanlak. On the turning point Varna there will be tents. Hotel rooms available at the controls of Sliven and Hotel Trapezitza. Madara and Isperih are tourist chalets.

Feeding: commercial at each control point and many other recommended places - at a very low price. Drinks and some free food at cost SVS at each control point.

Entry fee:
- 77 EUR before June, 6 (=150 BGL)
- 154 EUR after June, 6 (=300 BGL)
        Entry fee includes:
  • RM medal & homologation
  • Bag drop service where indicated
    /at least at 4 control points/
  • Drinks and meal where indicated
  • Sleeping facilities where indicated
  • Technical Support
  • Souvenirs
  • and here is the news: we are currently working on the technical issues of a free SVS movie on CD!
Entry form:
1. Send me a short message to obtain electronically the entry form
2. Fill it out and send me back according to the instructions inside
3. Sending the entry form does not require instant payment.
4. You can pay when you are sure you will participate. No field limits.


Visitors since July 1, 2002:



Last updates:

* Sept. 19, 2003:  - Info about SVS'2004 

Coming soon:

- Details of Calendar'2004 

- More Info about SVS'2004 
